
Educational outcomes: the impact of aspirations and the role of student background characteristics

By Jacqueline Homel, Chris Ryan
Research report
24 March 2014
ISBN 978 1 922056 89 4


The authors examine the relationships between student background characteristics, educational aspirations and educational outcomes using data from the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY). The methodology involved econometric analyses to determine whether student background factors influence Year 12 completion and university participation only via their indirect impact on aspirations. The results confirm the findings from previous studies: that aspirations have a large impact on educational outcomes. In general, aspirations have a similar impact on outcomes for those from disadvantaged backgrounds compared with those not from disadvantaged backgrounds.


About the research .pdf 132.9 KB Download
Executive summary .pdf 164.0 KB Download


Educational outcomes: the impact of aspirations and the role of student background characteristics .pdf 938.4 KB Download
Educational outcomes: the impact of aspirations and the role of student background characteristics .docx 2.3 MB Download