
Data linkage and statistical matching: options for the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth

By Sinan Gemici, Nhi Nguyen
Technical paper; Discussion paper
31 July 2013
ISBN 978 1 922056 59 7


Combining the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) with other data sources would enhance the breadth of information without adding respondent burden. This discussion paper explores two issues: the potential for linking data from existing administrative collections, such as Medicare, to LSAY; and the feasibility of combining data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) and LSAY via statistical matching. The overall conclusions are:

- It is not advisable to combine information from LSAY and LSAC into one dataset because results from any analyses using such a matched dataset would lack the methodological rigour required to inform policy and practice in meaningful ways.

- Strong consideration should be given to concrete plans for linking administrative collections to LSAY, starting with the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) and Medicare data


About the research .pdf 45.6 KB Download
Executive summary .pdf 58.7 KB Download


Data linkage and statistical matching: options for LSAY .pdf 576.0 KB Download
Data linkage and statistical matching: options for LSAY .docx 461.1 KB Download

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